I've just finished watching the movie adaption of NEVER LET ME GO. Though not entirely faithful to the novel, it was pretty close and captured the atmosphere of dread and inevitability very well. It's funny, but when I read the novel, about a group of special children growing up a boarding school, I got so caught up in the story that I never asked questions, I just accepted the story as presented.
For a dystopian novel, NEVER LET ME GO is very quiet yet still very powerful. The movie is as well, but perhaps because watching is a less active pursuit than reading, my brain started asking questions such as "Why didn't anyone, ever, try to escape?!" It's something that nags at me now, so perhaps watching the movie wasn't the best course of action since I adored the novel so much. It's one of my all time favorites, in fact.
I liked this quote from the movie which I don't remember from the book (but that doesn't mean it wasn't there): "We all complete. Maybe none of us really understand what we've lived through, or feel we've had enough time."
"C'mon everyone! Order the same thing!"
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