2010 in Review: Books and Blog Stats!

Ok, I'm a bit late, but here are the stats I kept track of this year!


Total books read: 161 (not including picture books).  What? You saw I only reviewed 160 books on this post here?  Yep, that's because 1 book I finished was so royally bad, I thought no good could come from me reviewing it.

Moving on...

First I will break down my reading by intended age-group (for marketing purposes):

YA: 105 (22 more than last year)
Adult: 40 (1 less than last year)
Middle grade: 15 (5 more than last year)

Secondly by genre: (note - a few books were very hard to classify, so I placed them where my gut feeling told me too!)

Contemporary/realistic/literary fiction: 49 (10 more than last year)
Paranormal/urban fantasy: 26 (7 more than last year)
Sci-fi/dystopia/horror: 47 (21 more than last year)
Chick lit/romance: 2 (12 less than last year)
Historical fiction: 7 (5 less than last year)
Traditional fantasy: 6 (5 less than last year)
Thriller: 14 (4 more than last year)
Non-fiction: 8 (1 less than last year)
Classics: 2 (same as last year)

Thirdly by gender of author:

116 by women
41 by men
3 by both
1 by unknown

And then by how I aquired the book:

Sent for review/book tour: 72 (ten less than last year)
Book fair: 36 (18 more than last year)
Bought/own: 28 (16 more than last year)
Amazon Vine/LT ER or other ARC program: 12 (2 more than last year)
Borrowed/library: 9 (3 more than last year)
Won in contest/gift (or trade) from blogger: 4 (less than last year)

Authors read more than once: 10
Adriana Trigiani 4
Meg Cabot 4 (including short story)
Margaret Peterson Haddix 3
Courtney Summers 2
Alexander Gorden Smith 2
Patrick Ness 2
Catherine Fisher 2
Rachel Vincent 2
Lauren Mechling 2
Laura Brodie 2


Number of posts: 332 (less than last year)
Most popular contest: Mockingjay iPod Touch with 2500+ entries and 6000+ page views
Most commented book review (excluding contests): Linger by Maggie Stiefvater 39 comments
Most commented non-review post: Book Bloggers Behaving Badly: Are You on an Author's "Hate List"? 155 comments

Months with over 9,000 unique visitors: April, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov. 
Highest visitor month: August with 14,000

And there you have it!


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