2010 Challenges Wrap-Up & Challenges for 2011

In 2010, I only joined two challenges officially, the YA Debut Author Challenge and The Speculative Fiction Challenge.

I ended up reading 33 YA debuts in 2010 (down from 40 in 2009), but only 27 counted towards the challenge. (See results here). I have joined this challenge again for 2011.

I didn’t keep track of my Speculative Fiction reading on the hosting blog (Book Chick City), but I had well over 50 titles read, so that was a success! That was mainly due to my Dystopian theme months in February and August which I plan to do again this year.

My other 2010 goals were:

1. To read more classics. FAIL. I only read 1 (Persuasion by Jane Austen, for my book club). However, I do plan to read a classic a month in 2011 (See list here).

2. To read more books in German. FAIL. I only read 1 book in German and it was for my book club. I will read at least 1 again this year because it is on my classics list.

3. Review picture books. Well, I did review a few on Halloween… Look for more of these this year.

4. Read my Waiting on Wednesday picks from 2009. FAIL. I only ended up reading two of these, which means I haven’t started up WoW picks again, and probably won’t in the foreseeable future.

I am going to keep my 2011 reading goals simple. At least 12 classics, at least 12 YA debuts, and at least 30 dystopian novels (15 per theme month). I also want to read some backlist and bought books that have been collecting dust while I read review copies. I haven’t been accepting review books for nearly a year now (with some exceptions of course) so I am getting caught up with those. I haven’t requested anything from Shelf Awareness in ages either. It feels good!


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