I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again here – I am always intrigued by a book which tackles the topic of fate vs coincidence.
Part one of the novel opens with a quote from David Life: “If you believe in coincidence, then you aren’t paying attention.” It is an apt choice of quote for this section where Lani and Jason start to notice that they have a bunch of really odd stuff in common (and though these “coincidental connections” are often really over the top, I thought they were hilarious). But of course Lani is paying attention, so she knows the universe wants her and Jason together…but what to do about Erin?
Part two of the novel opens with a quote from Jean de La Fontaine: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” Yep – I bet you can see now where part two is going! The romantic tension between Lani and Jason is done really well. Erin is such a self-absorbed, clueless character, you are definitely rooting for a Lani-Jason hook-up.
Part three of the novel opens with one of my favorite Lemony Snicket quotes: “Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant, filled with odd waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don’t always like.” Unfortunately, this is the point where the novel started to lose a bit of its charm for me – mainly because many of the character reactions just didn’t ring true based on what we’ve come to expect from them. The tone darkens pretty dramatically, and although I’m all for facing the consequences of your actions, it suddenly seemed like I had strayed over to another novel entirely (SOME GIRLS ARE by Courtney Summers?).
Still, I quite enjoyed this one overall. I have an interview and guest post coming up with the author later today - with a chance to win a signed hardcover - so be on the lookout for that!
SOMETHING LIKE FATE comes out in hardcover on May 4th. For more information about the book, visit the author's website or blog.
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